Hey Glam Girlz , I love being tagged and tagging others and then reading their answers for the very same questions :)
I read this post on some blog today and found it quite interesting , so I'm doing it and will be passing this Tag to few beauty bloggers :)
Lipstick Tag:
1. When you were a child, did you use your mother's lipsticks?
Yes , I used .. Specially Swiss Miss and Medora ones :)
2. How old were you when you bought your first lipstick?
MmM.. I don't remember exaclty , but I guess when I was 15 years or so ! .. I was not allowed to wear much of makeup ..
3. Pink or red lipstick?
Pink .. because I love pink gloss and lipcolor on my lips , Red is very chic and classy , and it feels good sometimes , but when it comes to decide between Red & Pink , then I will pick Pink :)
4. The most expensive lipstick you have ever bought?
Well , The most expensive lipstick which I have ever bought and still have is , Artdeco Mineral Lipstick in Rosewood .. It was I guess Rs 1500/- I love this .. I have other expensive lipsticks , but those are gifted to me by my brother !
5. And the cheapest?
Hmmmmmm .... Medora .. Rs 60 :) .. Still have many of Medora shades .. they rock ! ;)
6. What's the most bizarre thing you have ever done with a lipstick?
I have written a letter on Tissue Paper with Lipstick and I sent to some RJ in Fm 100 Pakistan , back in 2000 , when I was crazy about FM Radio :) .. and the RJ really read my letter ;)
7. If you had to recommend a lipstick, which brand would you recommend and why?
I will recommend ARTDECO for sure , wide wariety of colors , matte , shimmer , moisturizing , sheer , creamy , mineral , any kind of lipsticks :)
And for those in USA ... etc .. NYX and ELF .. are two lovely brands , I have not used them but I love their lipsticks .
I pass this TAG to these lovely bloggers
and to all whoever wishes to do this :)
I tried my best to put every possible name , If you can't see ur name , plz PM me on Facebook !